Thursday 7 February 2013

The Westminster Heresy Lectures

Vin and Tablet

Arranged by Vincent Nichols in conjunction with the Tablet.

To mark Lent, the Archdiocese of Westminster has organized a strong programme of public lectures exploring heresy in all its aspects. Here are some of the forthcoming attractions.

Tina Beattie shirt

Tina Beattie shirts are now on sale.

To kick off, Professor Tina Beattie will be explaining the heresies of modernism. We look forward to hearing her views on the doctrine on same-sex marriage, as explained in that beautiful passage from Matthew 19 in the Roehampton Bible.

Have ye not read, that He who made man from the beginning, made them male and male, and female and female, and sometimes a bit of both? For this cause shall a man leave father and father's boyfriend, and shall cleave to another man, and they two shall be in one flesh.

Nasty book

One of the sacred texts we shall study in Lent.

As an encore she will read from her wonderful book God's Mother, Eve's Advocate, where the Mass is likened to an orgasmic celebration of homosexual love.

Says Tina: "One of my favourite ploys is to announce that I am giving a lecture about the Blessed Virgin Mary. After that, I can say what I like!" A Tablet spokesman said, "If Mary is God's Mother, then surely Tina is God's slightly eccentric Auntie!"

Alain de Bottom

Alain de Bottom (L, with ass's head).

Also coming to Westminster is celebrity intellectual Alain de Bottom, "The man with the ass's head," who will be providing spiritual nourishment from his new book Religion for Atheists. In particular he will be talking about his Ten Commandments for Atheists.

Says Alain: "If I had to design a list of 10 virtues that could apply today, I might go for the following:

Smugness, Banality, Self-centredness, Pretentiousness, Emeticality, Pseudo-intellectualism, Moral blindness, Fluffy niceness, Apparent omniscience, and Pomposity."


Marcel Proust, author of Comment Alain de Botton peut changer votre vie.

However, Damian Thompson, a well-known expert on custard who occasionally dabbles in Catholic journalism, expressed a dissenting viewpoint: "Frankly, I can't take Alain seriously, as he is going very bald."

Chris Bryant MP

Chris Bryant MP (with offensive parts redacted).

Fresh from the same-sex "marriage" debate in the House of Commons, we have Chris Bryant MP, star of a "gay-dating" website, who will speak on What is truth?

Says Chris, "I want to get away from old-fashioned notions of truth and falsehood. As I said to Edward Leigh in the House of Commons, the assurances that I made a few years ago no longer apply because I believe that the world has moved on."

George Washington

Father, don't blame me: that cherry tree came down because the world has moved on.

Says Vincent Nichols, "I am hoping that by inviting so many experts to challenge Catholic doctrine I shall become more well-known in Rome, and - who knows? - I may finally get that elusive red hat."


  1. darling eccles - it seems as though Tina may actually be a sock puppet of your anti moly - does Bosco know? xx Jess

    1. I dunno, Jess. But now you dat Bosco is occupyin a cell in your watchtower, you can ask him youself.

    2. When he's stopped doing 70 years of denial I will - do you like my new picture :) xx Jess

    3. The Rabit and Jadis Show - keep it social.

    4. The Beattie lecture that was cancelled in Bristol will now take place in the Diocese of Westminster. Thanks for the publicity.

    5. Does anyone no a good cur for de multiple (savd) pussonality disodder ???

      Dis pusson "phil" is sufferrin from de condishun.

    6. Phil is suffering from a surfeit of socks, and the lack of a word which in RP English rhymes with it xx Jess

    7. Indeed, Jessica. Phil, when putting his oar in, talks something which in RP English, rhymes with rowlocks.

    8. Judging by his later comments, we'd better not ask where he puts the oar in xx Jess

  2. Must book a seat....hang on though.......I'm on car valeting duties that evening. Chiz!

  3. The only truth the progressive holds to is that promises are made to be broken.

  4. ...Boo-yaa homies!! krunk dog illin..dis blog be tight...haha when youse said heresy i thought u mention the ole boyz be hizzlin-off about bad..i suppose i ain't sav'd yet like youse..i don't bump wit the code...wordup...anyway i digs george washington he's B-side Obama fo shizzle..done got his script n pic on all the scrillah...your post is so swoll wit truth ise geeked ta gettin sav'd..just gots ta get my life up north YADIDIMEAN??...well eccles youse a bro who stays sick lock it down ya hear..pleez keep prayin fo me i need to dust of dirt cuzzes its tricky to rock n roll dig???? well peace out ...TESTIFY!!!

    1. Mr Dog, is you feelin' quite OK? xx Jess

    2. dog is more than likely lapin. I got $10 on it

    3. Bosco, if there are any Romanian scrap dealers around California, grow your hair.

  5. I was tryun to go to the Tablet on gaggle and it sayz Did you mean Tabloot? Then it sayz Did you mean Tableet? Then Did you mean TabButt? On an On. Then it sayz I Don't think you Wanna go There. So I came ober here instead.

  6. Eccles, when Mr.Bryant goes for a shower he's goin to be mad when he sees you redacted his parts.

  7. Dear Sir,

    Once again I find it necessary to complain on moral grounds about your picture of a donkey in a grossly amorous engagement with a pretty lady. Not only is this an encouragement to those seeking to enshrine "equal marriage" but it is also a temptation to those attracted to donkeys. And this looks like a particularly flirty one.

    If this kind of filth continues I will have to cancel my online subscription to the Daily Telegraph and seek assinine addiction counselling.

    Disgusted of Tunbridge Wells

  8. Never mind the heresy, what about the horsey!

    "A horse, a horse, findus a horse, quick. Lummy"

    (Shakespeare's first draft).

  9. The Beattie lecture on Lumen Gentium will now take place in the Diocese of Westminster.
    It's an ill wind...

    1. ...that results from poorly digested theology?

  10. It's an equinable life, Henry.

    In all fairness, when it says "100% beef", it means that the beef component is 100% beef.

    No lies have been told.

  11. ...Booyaakasha catho-homies...jiggawhat?..krunk dog dont gamble he straight game...aint no buggin 360 roflcopter geezer neetha...Word up!!!...i be illin grievin da world...down below i suffered..i knows wrung from right..aight???...ise out ta murk dat ole debil like youse spiritual cuzzes...cept i aint been saved and needs prawyers..peace out..RESPECT !!!!

    1. How do you know? You don't know who you are windywendy daryl (really, why not Wayne?)

    2. Good heavens, another puppet. Say sister Jess, what about Wayne?

  12. ...Whodis phil??...i aint no lapin..das french fer rabbit..ise pure dog..crackalackin wit street cred...i jus dig dis blog my homie johnboy hooked me up..ise lookin fer God's'grease so's'i kin get ta heaven..slide in easy wit God's'grease..Word Up!!!

    1. This is not one of your better puppets lapin

  13. I has changed de settins so dat anomynous comments aint allowed now. Dis will reduce spamm. E-mail me at if you is havin probblems.

    1. Yes, I am having problems. None of the spam I sent you has appeared. I will send you an email.

  14. Hallo phil138 !!!

    Have you sorted out your multiple personality disorder yet ?

    When are you going to stop your moronic trolling ?

  15. When Elaine pulls the plug on him.

  16. Is Elaine his carer? Does she know where the sockpuppets are buried? Can she be bribed to let me in and give him a good f***ing kicking for the nasty personal stuff he has peddled for too long?

    Just one clue, that's all I need. Keep your head down, Phil b***tard.

  17. because its a stepping stone to me. The catholic clerics want to keep their jobs and the perks that go with it. My site will put them out on the street, where they belong. Cardinal mahoney is getting his come uppins here in los angeles, shuffeling around his buddy boys. its what they all do. he just got caught.

  18. say eccles, why you take off my post. i dont take off post at my none but the brave site. You chicken thief

    1. Gotta keep it clean, Bosco. Dat's what saved pussons does.

  19. ...Brrriing briing...hoodis????catho-homies..why u be runnin off fake jacks dat beam me up scotty i dont see no prawyers..whats wit all da accusin ..i aint sav'd'yet so i guess'n'i dont gets it...chang a lang ..peace out..

  20. I was the seargent at arms.So Jadis, how the witch business treating you?Has your master Satan given you any promotions lately? He should, youre doing such good work for him.
