Sunday 31 March 2013

Eccles outs himself

Well, it had to come. I couldn't keep my identity secret much longer: one or two people had already begun to guess who "Eccles" was. It's time to confess.

Father Z

Yes, Eccles is Fr John Zuhlsdorf, priest, blogger, and licensed to kill.

When you think about it, it is obvious that Eccles could be nobody else. Why does Eccles never post comments on Fr Z's blog? Why does Fr Z never mention Eccles? Of course... it's simply modesty.

Look at Fr Z's blog today. You see a brilliant post, asserting that SSPX is setting up an ordinariate for disaffected traddy Catholics. Doesn't the style look familiar?

Zuhlsdorf gun

What the well-dressed priest is packing.

Admittedly, some people thought that "Eccles" was really Damian Thompson, Tina Beattie, Giles Fraser or Richard Dawkins - why else would he give publicity to such obscure individuals? But no, these were merely comic characters introduced to make the blog more spiritually nourishing.

Well, the game is up now, so, apart from reminding you always to Say the Red and Do the Black, and to stock up on Mysterious Monk Coffee, I say goodbye for now.

I love Z

The ideal gift for a liberal Catholic.


  1. "Say the Red and Do the Black"

    Is this a new Motor Popular from the Bishop of Rome?

  2. Rabit is amazed to find you is Father Z, Eccles. I thought you was Hans Kung.

  3. Now I am confused Mr R - I thought Hans Kung was Tina Beattie. :) x

  4. Good thing Father Z has a sense of humor. :-)

  5. But who is Fr Z? That's what I want to know.

    1. Do keep up, Sparrowhawk. Fr Z is a spoof site set up Basil Lawfty, and the combox is full of elderly Tabletistas in Che Guevara tee-shirts pretending to like Latin. Planned as satire, it has unfortunately backfired, as Mrs Deirdre O'Spartacus recently went to Confession, set up a branch of the Children of Mary and started wearing a mantilla.

    2. Mrs O'Spartacus, as any fule no, posts as supertradgreatgranof135.

  6. And there was I thinking you were Richard Ingrams.

  7. All of us are the Rabbit anyway -- but have fun double-guessing my latest diversionary tactic.

    1. I is not the rabit - if I was I'd have to be a bunny-girl and the NUT is going to ban them xx Jess

    2. Hmmm... Jessica as a 'bunny-girl'.

      Calling Mr. Hefner...

  8. I, for one, is not convinked, Eccles.

    If you was Fr. Z, you would be Fr. Eccles – or Freckles for short.

    And while you are usually spot on, you are certainly not spotty…

