Thursday 23 May 2013

Yoof at the Catholic Herald

Meanwhile, the younger generation are firmly in command at the Catholic Heraldwith the appointment of 23-year-old Ed West as Deputy Editor.

Ed West.

Ed is author of The Diversity Illusion - why don't they all go home? which takes a critical look at immigration.

Diversity illusion

With his departure, the Telegraph blogs are looking somewhat diminished, but at least the staff were out in force to wave goodbye to the man they call "Mr Misery."

Telegraph bloggers

Thompson, Chivers, Hannan et al. say farewell.

An even younger recruit to the Catholic Herald is wunderkind Megan Hodder, aged 13 and only 4'6" tall. With her brilliant article, How those idiot atheists made me a Catholic, she has burst onto the scene as the only person in Year 8 to have read Aristotle, Aquinas, Dawkins and Little Women.

Catholic Herald ladies

Madeleine Teahan, Mary O'Regan, Megan Hodder and 2 other Catholic Herald writers whose names begin with M.

Said veteran Catholic Heraldjournalist "Wild Bill" Oddie (age 83), "How can we old-timers hope to compete with such brilliant young people?"


  1. Ed West's first book "The Illusory Diversion: Vatican II" is a much better read than his latest.

  2. "The Illusory Diversion" was a brazen piece of plagiarism, based on my account of a long detour I had to take via Bramhall Moor Lane , Woodford Aerodrome, when there were roadworks on the A6 near the Copper Kettle. After getting very lost indeed at the back end of Marple Bridge, I eventually ended up in an allotment in Gorton where a soi-disant Franciscan was preaching on Lumen Gentium to an audience of savd slugs.
