Thursday, 7 July 2011

Phone tapps

Bosco and me was readin in de bloggs about de phone tappin scandal, so we decided dat dis was a reely smart idea, and we would put a tapp on de phone of Fr Xavier Pell de Mons of de Cathlic Church, as we needs to know what our ennemies is finking. So Bosco he went off to do dis deed, which is de sort of fing dat saved people can do and Jessus gonna say "Well done Bosco, I wish I'd fought of dat Meself". Fust Bosco went to the plubmers and bought some stuff.

I stayed at home lookin for Alfie de Pussy Cat, who seem to have escaped frew de cat flapp, and bitten a pliceman, before makin his getaway. De pliceman aint too happy about it, in fact he is in a comma. We is denying everyfing.

Well we got a phone call from Fr Xavier who said, "Bosco has you been foolin around wiv my tellephone, boy?" Bosco he dennies it and starts trying to change de toppic of consveration to de crimmes of de Cathlic church in A.D. 311 when dey was aparently a reel pest. Fr Xavier he says dat de phone rang, and when he answered it he got an earful of boilin water. "Oh, aint dat called Baptims?" asked Bosco. "I heard dat dis is what Cathlics get up to. Was dere a pigeon comin down too?"

To cut a long storry short, Fr X. Pell de Mons he slammed down de reciever of de phone and he aint talkin to us rihgt now.

Bosco, I looked out of de window, and de pliceman have been taken away. I heard de parrymedics sayin "I hope he can be saved", so dat's nice dey fink he's going to Jessus soon.

Bosco he is still plottin agianst me, cos of my luvvly blogg. He says "Eccles, you know where de boddies are burried, and you is gonna give it away by accident dat dey is under de floor of de dining room". But my lips is seeled.

Well, dat's all for now. Bosco, does you have any views about dis raven image? I fink if you kissed it you mihgt get a nasty peck.

Raven image

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