"I has notticed," I repplied. "Maybe you should lay off de gin a bit, Anti?"
She hit me wiv a fryin pan at dat point, I fink she been watchin too many Tom and Jerry cartons. So I went off to look at some old phottos dat Anti Moly has kept.

Dat's a photto of my dere Ant as a young girl in de 1930s (she's de one on de right), starin at a bird and sayin confiddently, "Um, dat's a rare speceis of albbatross, but dem traddy Cathlics likes to prettend dat it aint." Dat's in de days before Goggle and Wikkipedia, so she cuoldn't be omnicsient, like she is now. But even in dem days she had a wide knowlegde of our fevvered freinds.
Here is anuvver photto of my Anti as a young girl, watchin a bird. She says it may be a very big duck.

De bird watchin habit she got explanes de followin photto, which she has by de side of her bed for senttimental reasons.

She tells me dat it is Cradinal Pell, as a yuong man, trying to win Moly's affectoin by gettin her a Norwegain Blue parrott as a birfday present. I fink de parrott must have died.
I asked my Anti Moly wot was her favuorite bird, and she said, "Dey all tastes nice if you cooks em properly. When I was yuong my Mom used to give us stewed doddos, but den dey became extinct so we had to stop eatin em." She did confess a waekness for vulltures, cos dey picks over de remanes of corpses. Dat's a bit like what Anti Moly does when she comes to Damain Thopmson's blog and she replies to debates when everryone else went home six months ago.

Of course when I asked Bosco wot his favuorite bird was, he explaned dat to be saved you has to worhsip cemment doves like we does at de Calumny Chappell.

Dat's my dere bruvver Bosco wiv what he says is a real dove. But Anti Moly, de expert orthinologist, is sure dat it's a barn owl, so I dunno what to fink. Has Bosco and me been kissin cemment owls by mistake? If so, can we still be saved?
What do you think of my idea of getting a dodo bird for use as a mascot for Damian's lively DT blog ?
ReplyDeleteYou is right, Damain's blogg is as dead as a doddo now.
ReplyDeleteDamian's blog, which I haven't commented on for a couple of weeks now, is really feeble. I just took a look at it - prompted by the need to find your reference to birds. (I could not see where the bird theme comes from... !) But the place is looking really deserted.
ReplyDeleteHappy Lent!
De orthinology was one of dem facsinatin snippets of Anti Moly's autobioggraphy dat she felt she needed to share wiv Damain's blogg (along wiv de story abuot how she started takin paino lessons). Someone said dat Eccles wuold probabbly write a blogg about it, and lo and behold so I did.
DeleteI aint readin DT bloggs in Lent, but I will keep providin spiritaul nuorishment here, so keep lookin in. Eccles (saved).
Here's another bird that is very popular on Damian's blog right now :
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ReplyDeleteDoes that mean that you are outing yourself as yet another traddie catholic sockpuppet ?
DeleteWoeful !!
I finks you is gonna get de call, Sister Clothidle.