Saturday, 9 June 2012

Summer quiz

Send your answers to the following questions to Bruvver Eccles, c/o Castle Thompson, Notting Hill, London by 8th June 2012. The winner gets a copy of Damian Thompson's latest book (can't remember the name right now). The judge's decision is final.

1. When Richard Dawkins appeared on Mastermind, his special subject was:
(a) chickens;
(b) theology;
(c) Dr Who assistants;
(d) manure.

2. The title of Damian Thompson's new book is:
(a) The Fox;
(b) The Fax;

The Fecks, a biography of Fr Jack?

(c) The Fecks;
(d) The Fix.

3. Which of the following is not a Catholic in good standing?
(a) Tina Beattie;
(b) Sr Margaret Farley;
(c) Hans Küng;
(d) All of them.

4. Vincent Nichols prays nightly for:
(a) red shoes like the Pope has;
(b) a red hat like Cormac Murphy-O'Connor has;
(c) a red revolution;
(d) a red-shirted football team.

5. Which addiction is NOT mentioned in Damian Thompson's latest book?
(a) cupcakes;
(b) cannabis;
(c) hair restorer;
(d) the Internet.

6. Which Telegraph blogger is this?

Could it be Cristina Odone?

(a) Nasty Norman Tebbit;
(b) Cheeky Tom Chivers;
(c) Magnificent Mary Riddell;
(d) Dashing Damian Thompson.

7. Sr Margaret Farley's next book will be called:
(a) More abortions, please! A Catholic looks at pregnancy.
(b) Did we misjudge King Herod? The Massacre of the Innocents reappraised.
(c) Go and sin some more: a new look at good and evil.
(d) Why the Pope is not saved, but I am.

8. Polly Toynbee's real name is:
(a) Polly Technic;
(b) Beelzebub Toynbee;
(c) Mary Louisa Toynbee;
(d) Polyphema, Gran Signora de Toscana.

9. John Sentamu will not be the next Archbishop of Canterbury because:
(a) he has rather traditional beliefs;
(b) he's, well, er, slightly dark-skinned;
(c) he's got some front teeth missing;
(d) his dress sense is, well, er...

Costume holy man

10. Damian Thompson's next book will be:
(a) Gladys Mills, the official biography;
(b) How I learned to love the Magic Circle;
(c) Celebrities and their hairstyles;
(d) 1,000,000 essential CDs.

11. What is the solution to the "Vatileaks" mystery?
(a) The butler did it.
(b) The Pope did it.
(c) The Reverend Green in the chapel with the lead piping.
(d) Father Brown will tell us.

12. What does this picture show?

Is that the Vulcan death grip he's doing?

(a) a rather plain woman bishop in the Church of Scotland;
(b) a licensed killer about to finish off the notorious Rosa Klebb;
(c) a typical resident of the Bahamas;
(d) an entrant for the "wrestling the old lady" event in the Highland Games.


  1. No questions on cheese!

    -Disgusted of Mousehole, TR19

    1. 13. Which of the following is not a cheese?
      (a) Molybdenite possum-cheese with added gin;
      (b) Queso de Llama a la MickyRoss;
      (c) Cristina Odone;
      (d) Daryl's best Cheshire cheese from Stockport;
      (e) Trollphilly.
