De Pop has awardded Sir Bosco de rare Order of St Ludicrus, for his luvvly blogg. As he explaned in de letter "Dear Bosco, by writtin your blogg you has done more for de cuase of Cathollicsim than anyone I know, and dat even includs Damain Thopmson (who is gonna get somefink a bit less prestiggious, de magic circle of St Vincent). We only has to read your blogg, Bosco, to see dat hatin Cathlics can lead to insannity. By de way I got a new book out, so dont forgit to buy lots of coppies as Christtmas pressents. Blessins upon you, my son. Ben PP. XVI."
Sir Bosco fought he might have to go to Rom to be invessted wiv de insingia to which he is entittled, but in fact some stuff came in de post. It wuold reely good if he cuold wear it wiv de clown costtume in de Calumny Chappel.

I was a little jaelous, as I is Sir Bosco's bruvver, and I has also got a blogg, but perhapps one day de Pop will recoggnise my litterary skills too.
Den we got anuvver letter to say dat de Pop had sent de wrong insingia by misstake. In fact Sir Bosco's gotta send back de silver badges, and de Pop wants him to wear a ball and chane round his anckle instead. Dis is Sir Bosco showin his new insingia to one of his admirring girlfiends.

Of cuorse, Sir Bosco aint gonna stop his hard-hitting cricketisms of de Cathlic churhc, just cos de Pop likes his blogg. He is still reedin lots of storries about de crimes of de Cathlics over de ages, and loves tellin poeple about em. For exammple, here is a pitcher of a Cathlic called Samson doing some vandallism to someone else's tempple, it mihgt even be de local Calumny Chappel. Dey is reely agressive, dem Cathlics. Wot's more, dey aint saved.

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