Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Bosco finds an asylum

After my bruvver Bosco organized a Pusey riot in de Orfodox church at Wallsingham, de cops was onto him, and he had to flee de town quickly. "I needs an asylum," he said, which is somefink Anti Moly has been sayin about him for years.

We ended up in a small town called Blakeney, where we saw a building wiv a big sign outside it. Anti Moly told us it meant dat it was a Tibetan monasstery.

Llamas 'R' us

A mysterious sign

She told us once again how when she was a little girl she went to Tibet and met de Dolly Llama, who gave her lotsa gin. So we went into de building.

A very nice man came to greet us. "Buenos Dias, Señors and Señora, my name is Juliano Assangua. Would you like to buy a llama?" he said. "Or we have a fine range of Ecuadorian products and souvenirs."

Juliano Assangua

Juliano Assangua, a simple Ecuadorian shopkeeper

At this point Anti Moly, who had been knocking back de gin, made a dellicate request. "Could I use your toilet?" she said. "I need a quickie leak."

"Wikileaks? I deny it completely," said Juliano hastily. "I am a humble Ecuadorian shopkeeper, and not in the least a fugitive from justice."

Well, when dese missunderstandings were all sorted out, Señor Assangua agreed to let my bruvver Bosco hide in his shop for a few days. We left them watching a fascinating televisoin programme, in which de famuous Muslim polliticain George Gallifrey was discussin de crimes of Jack de Ripper and explainin dat dey was simply "bad sexaul etiquette."

Bad sexual etiquette

"Hello, hello, hello! It's another case of bad sexual etiquette!"

So for de moment we is returnin to London, where no doubt furver spiritaul opportunities awaits us.


  1. Darling Eccles, what a scream! I think MI5 need to be told, but I guess the CIA (Catholic intelligence Agency) will be onto poor Bosco soon, as will NASA who are looking for signs of intelligent life in vast empty wastes. Xx Jess

  2. someone who bows to idols and a sick monkey who hates salvation....what a pair you two make.

    1. Bosco, dere, you better not use de Internnet too much, as de cops will find out where you is hidin.

  3. Carry on bowing to your cement dove, bozo.

    1. I think it was that idiot catholic JohnHenry that said there was a cross on top of my calvary chapel. I never noticed but when i went there a few weeks ago, there isnt one and there never was one. Not that a cross is evil.But i have heaped so much abuse on the catholic cult for their idolatry that John Henry wanted to do the same to me. Well, there is no cross anywhere at my calvary. Jesus was nailed to a tree. We dont have cement doves either Jabba.Try some other way to rank me Jabba. I just follow the Lamb. But you bow and scrape befor idols made by hands. You cant deny this. Your whole freakin religion bows to graven images. So get back to it, oh and never mind the second commandment. That should be easy for you hellbound catholics. You dont care anything about what the bible says.

    2. Oh, shall I post the link to the photograph of your chapel again then ?


      top left, cement dove, unmissable

    3. Calvary lake elsinore logo is the only pic of any value in your attack.No one bows to it. So get back to your hundreds of millions of graven images that your catholic cult provides. By the way, calvary chapels are independant. The one i go to has saved pastors. Not all are saved. But lots have saved pastors compared to not one saved priest in that catholic ped cult of bull dagger nuns

    4. Sorry Bosco, but you don't get to decide who is saved. Most Catholics would say that your own salvation was by no means certain (plus, you are too dumb to know the first thing about the Virgin Mary).

    5. Hey bozo, you're forgetting the great theme song of your cavalry chapel :


      You're still in denial about the great big cement dove at your chapel though, aren't you.

      Oh, and doncha just love the graven image in that central window above the lectern ?

    6. To be fair, this other Cavalry bowing down song one is actually not bad at all :


    7. Calvary chapel is known for their light and airy songs. I prefer Motzart and Bach worship tunes.You keep harping on that dove. Is that the best you got brother Jabba? Calvary chapel is not a denomination. Its a room where the saved and future saved meet.I can guarantee you no one has ever bowed to or done any veneration to that dove.Can you say the same about your babylonian cult? Heck no.

    8. Aye Hamish, what should i know about Mary? And i dont decied who is born again, we can tell who is and who isnt by the way they talk. Sometimes the spirit can tell us without talking.That hasnt happened to me but it happens.Hamish, you should ask Jesus to make you born again. Try it, you might like it

    9. Contrary to your clownish fantasies, I have never seen anybody ever worshipping any man-made graven images.

      Such graven images are OTOH manifestly present in your own meeting area, in the form of a cement dove.

      Your presumptions to dictate and intervene in other people's relationships with our Lord the Christ are quite blatantly unacceptable.

    10. I dont know how many times iv had to go over this. I said bowing to graven images.....BOWING. You always say i said worshiping. I said bowing.I know you dont consider yourself worshiping the image. But there is one who might see it otherwise. The one who said not to bow yourself to images made by hands. I see where the confusion comes in Jabba, because bowing is a form of worshiping.Now you can feel free to tell me youve never seen anyone bowing to images made by hands.Im tryin to help you Jabba. I dont keep all the commandments either, but i know when i break one.Of all the commandments, breaking the second is the only one that makes god jealous.The catholic religion teaches that its a wonderful thing to bow befor images, and to kiss them and put clothes on them and necklaces and jewelry(serving them).Then the Mary statues cry tears. The statue has feelings. Stop me when im wrong. Im intervening alright, but not with peoples relations with the Lord.I want catholics to get off their knees befor graven images.

    11. Exodus {20:4} You shall not make for yourself a graven image, nor a likeness of anything that is in heaven above or on earth below, nor of those things which are in the waters under the earth.
      {20:5} You shall not adore them, nor shall you worship them. I am the Lord your God: strong, zealous, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the sons to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me,
      {20:6} and showing mercy to thousands of those who love me and keep my precepts.

      Can't see any mention of "bowing".

      Oh but of course, I keep on forgetting you're using an utterly inaccurate and mutilated translation of Scripture as your "inerrant" holy text ...

    12. 4Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

      5Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

      Hey Jabba, where did you get you version of exodus from? What bible? I wanna go online and read more of it. Thanks in advance

  4. Lovely to hear from you, St Bosco. Such charm and wit, in contrast to the sad desperate evil egotistical perverted mass murdering psychopathic Rabit, who we all hate (Alleluia Ch-Ch)

    Peace and all Good to you, from He who loves us, Bosco.

    1. Hey there Rabbit, hows things in the land of greasy leftovers called tappas? From the travel shows ive seen about spain, i really think i would love it there. Great food and nice people.Lots of olive trees and olive oil. So, are you still teaching the young to get on their knees befor idols? You know if they die unsaved, their blood will be on your hands.You must tell them to ask Jesus for salvation, not some joker in a babylonian robe and fish hat. That is your reasonable service.

    2. Dat's nice Bosco, why doesnt you go and vissit de rabit so dat you can save him? You cuold sleep wiv de donkeys.

    3. Darling Eccles, think of the poor donks xx Jess
