Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Da Mian Cod, and others

An excerpt from Dante Brown's new novel Infernal Cheek:

Renowned blood-crazed 50-something Telegraph blog supremo Damian Thompson was standing energetically in Berlin's famous Louvre Museum, at the heart of Piccadilly Square, admiring Michael Angelus's 1504 marble sculpture "David," which portrays the Arabian King David on the point of biting into a cupcake.

David and cupcake

David. Note the cupcake in his left hand.

"Cupcakes," thought Damian pensively, meditating in a contemplative fashion on the highly addictive edible foodstuff, whereupon which he had written so movingly in his book on addiction, The Fix, which he himself had written. And this reminded him, it was the day on which the aforementioned memoir on addiction was to be published in paperback (his contacts at the heart of the publishing world had told him that this would be something like a hardback, only with softer covers).

Yellow Fix

The Fix, in new Hide-de-Vomit(TM) yellow covers..

Damian had not blogged on addiction recently. His protège (a Latin word meaning "dogsbody"), slightly-renowned 30-something leftie atheist blogger Tom Chivers, had been promoted from his key job of assistant deputy strategic events supremo, a position in which he had been mainly responsible for making the tea, and was now allowed to write the occasional Telegraph column in the Saturday "moron" slot. This in turn freed up more chronological time for Damian, in which he could blog about religious matters from a Catholic - and sometimes papist - viewpoint.

Or - and here Damian crossed himself religiously, making a cross symbol familiar to all Christians since Pope Pius XII - there was another possibility. He could use his blog to plug his terrible book again!

Father Xylophone writes:

I had a great day today with a Texas military firing squad.

Firing squad

Father X joins the liturgical Firing Squad.

I was delighted when the Texas militia contacted me, saying that an army chaplain had been court-martialled and found guilty of three capital offences, namely, (i) being a liberal; (ii) reading the National Catholic Reporter (aka Fishwrap); and (iii) arguing with me on my blog. The penalty for these was execution by firing squad, and as a priest in good standing who understands the importance of a well-armed priesthood, I was delighted to assist. (Aim at the black cassock, and stain it red, as I always say.)

I had of course been practising my sharp-shooting beforehand, so as not to let the side down by missing the target: the colonel complimented us on the unerring way in which we exercised our liturgical duty, blasting the renegade priest to smithereens.

QUAERITUR: Should one aim for the head, or the heart? Generally, Cannon Law says that one should aim for the head from Advent to Easter, and otherwise aim for the heart.

Liberal Catholic

Don't mess with Fr X, unless you want to end up like this.

Ordain a Lassie!

A new video has been released by the campaign for the ordination of dogs, called Ordain a Lassie. We do not have space to discuss this in detail, but the campaign is based on the observation that in some churches dogs are already being allowed to act as altar-servers.

Dog server

"Bark!" the Herald angels sing.


  1. To be fair to Fr Xylophone, there are several posters who would not be sorry to see Frjim4321 lined up against a brickbybrick wall, and given the Texas treatment pour encourager les autres.

    1. Would he be in good standing, against de wall, sister Jaddis?

    2. iz e to be facing de wall, or versus popularam, tho, dat is de kwestchon

    3. I don't think Fr X wuold want to shoot him if he was facin ad orientem.

  2. Ecwes you is makin me spit my coffee all ober my compuder just wike Richard.But I'm getting new insurance for dis.You has to ask for de Acts of God clause. Thanks Ecwes for idendifin dat gweat statue.I thot it was David Cameron.

  3. I didn't realise that Amazon sold such weaponry...

    1. You can order them from Delphic Deacons.

  4. Clearly the dog is a Modernist, or perhaps a Permanent Deacon opining upon his calling. There is a canine member of The Manchester Oratory but have never seen him at Mass, at least the TLM - clearly of a Conciliar mind. The late Cardinal Gray's dog always attended Mass, when his master Celebrated, but desisted upon the entry of the NOM - clearly a Trad dog.

  5. The dog is obviously acting pro bonio.

  6. darling eccles, I liked the picture of 'mrs cranmer' in de last photo - very true to life, I'm sure xx

  7. You is right, Eccles.
    Wo are us to judge de poor dog?


  8. Ordain a made me spit my coffee all over my computer, you did.....this was funny!

  9. ..When u mention dogs..i hear ole cerberus welping madly in the fore...calling out all the spiritual gluttons to devour the church pew by pew...dark days ahead indeed in this vale of terras...
