Sunday, 13 January 2013

1000 priests write to the Telegraph

David Cameron

Cuculus cameronus.


As we were walking down Whitehall today, we distinctly heard the sound of the cuckoo. It was croaking its characteristic cry of Gayma-Ridge Gayma-Ridge. Was this the first cuckoo of spring?

Rt Rev Philip Egan
Bishop of Portsmouth

Rt Rev Malcolm McMahon
Bishop of Nottingham

Kieran Conry

Not Kieran Conry - couldn't find a pen.

Rt Rev Paul Priest
Bishop of Corby (Could I add a few paragraphs here about logical paradigms? No?)

Lots of priests called Finigan, Finnegan etc
Representing the "Finnegans Wake" blogging consortium

Ray Blake

Rev Ray Blake-Seven (with "Zuhlsdorf" liturgical handgun), a rival blogger

Rev Sir Charles Dilke Bt Cong Orat
Mission to the aristocracy

Mitred Archpriest Alexander Nadson
Man with the fanciest headgear

Mitred archpriest

What the well-dressed mitred archpriest is wearing this season.

Mgr Andrew Summersgill
Magic Circle

Rt Rev Mgr Keith Newton
Ordinary, Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, mission to Soho


Rev G.K. Ale, Abbot of Bury St Edmund's

Mgr Uncle Tom Cobleigh and All

... and more.



David Cameron


  1. Darling eccles, dats powerful stuff xx Jess

  2. Ta Eccles. My MP is Chancellor Goerge Osbrone. His website proclaims “Even though I now have the added responsibility of the office of Chancellor of the Exchequer, I will never forget that my first duty is to those who elected me. I am, first and foremost, your MP and will always be here to assist you with any problems and stand up for your views and concerns.”

    He has refused to meet me to discuss the government plans to re-define marriage, using three different excuses. I am awaiting a reply to my letter asking him how he proposes to “stand up for” my concerns, as he has promised to do. I am not holding my breath.

    His pathetic, undemocratic, feeble response to my request for a meeting emphasises both the lack of any moral substance to the government’s proposal and the fact that they are perfectly well aware of this themselves.

    Why are they (and apparently every other country in the world) doing it? Does anyone no?

    1. It does begin to look like a global conspiracy, dunnit? Latest bulletin: over here in Italy Mr Bersani, the Centre-left candidate, has declared to the WaPo today that legislation for gay civil unions will be a 'priority' for his govt. In Italy! And only 5 yrs after Mr.Prodi's govt was undone by such a proposal. I think we should all drink more beer. Little green men are putting stuff in the water.

  3. Another great blog Eccles. After hammering away all day on the Damian Thompson blog as "Bregowine", putting the Catholic case against "equal" marriage, I was finally eliminated after being accused of homophobia by a horde of rabid shirt-lifters.

    I notice that the half a million strong demonstration in Paris today was raising the flag with a counter-insult to the cry of "homophobie": HOMOFOLIE !

    We should take a leaf out of the French linguistic creativity, and I propose HOMOCACOPHONY as the best description of the plague affecting British institutions at present. The Gay Noise of a minority whose only concern, at a time of economic ruin, is to focus all the attention on themselves and their messy little sexual street theatre.

    In all charity, we should pray for them.

    1. Randy Fudge-Packer13 January 2013 at 13:53

      Ooooh, bugger me sideways chuck. You homophobic, never. Everyone knows shirtlifter's a term of endearment these days. And as for messy sexual street theatre, the mind bogles or is it boggles? Anyhow must pootle off and take the jack russell for an ambulatory with me friend Kenneth before luxuriating in front of TV with a hot all night session of dynasty episodes and a fab bottle of pink lambrini. Ta ra

  4. The BBC are at it again trying to push Christianity completely out of the schedule...this time appointing a non-religious, lesbian, sports commentator to present Good Morning Sunday, their pseudo 'religious' slot on a Sunday morning (20 years ago it was ok) and also wanting to move the long-running Sunday Half-Hour from 8.30 p.m. on a Sunday to some ungoldly hour. Incidentally, Sunday Half-Hour started back in 1940.

    I know many wont lose any sleep over this (I won't - I don't listen to them) but the point is that Christianity is now visibly being sidelined and in this case the liberal agenda has been utterly taken up by the BBC.

    The Gurniad (as you'd expect) has this tosh:

    1. Quid pro quo primum13 January 2013 at 23:54

      Auntie, Christians go to Mass on Sunday mornings so it doesn't matter what's on the telly or radio.
      All this nonsense started with Henry VIII: the writing's been on the wall for 500 years dear!

    2. Sunday morning television did not start with Henry VIII, it started with Elizabeth I and her famous anti-Armada speech at Tilbury which was the very first script for East Enders.

  5. Get over it Aunty (not Joanna I hope). As you well know we live in a secular country. You say sunday hald hour began in the 1940's, just shows how seriously they took religion back then to devote half just half an hour. Trads wingeing about Gay and Lesbos again? Must be contagious.

    1. Actually we live in a country with a Church by Law Established.

    2. Quid pro quo primum13 January 2013 at 23:44

      "Church" established rather than attended.

  6. Bp of Corby? I wonder if my Bish, Northampton, knows about that... (don't think he signed)

  7. Some of the names that are not on it are as interesting as some of the names that are.

    But there is no chance of this being enacted in the present Parliament. And the next Labour Government will not touch it with a thousand barge poles. The announcement of the free vote proved that.

    If the 2015 Labour Manifesto mentions it at all, then it will promise nothing more than a free vote on any backbench amendment or Private Member's Bill.

    No such Private Member's Bill would ever be given Government Time, so it could never be passed. It would just disappear into the parliamentary process and never emerge, like all the rest of them.
