I gotta blogg of my own now, and so I will set de sceene for new reeders.
Dis blogg tells de story of me, Eccles, and my big bruvver Bosco, wot lives in Callifornia and attends de Calumny Chappel. I has been recordin our life story on Damain Thopmson's blogg, but I is now takin a leef out of my bruvver's book and writtin a luvly blogg of my own. However I aint gonna write so much about goin to de tiolet, as Bosco does all dat stuff on his blogg. Mom finks he's a bit rood.
I tends to foller Bosco in most fings, and his main idea is dat we has been saved becos Jessus keeps talkin to us (sometimes by telehpone, and sometimes frew de air condittionin system). So we is allowed to do wot we likes as we is washed in de blud of de Labm and our sins is forgivven. Sometimes we is washed in uvver blud as well, as we has runnin battles wiv de Cathlics, and Bosco he has been beeten up sevveral times by nunns.
Bosco and I is also very worried about iddles and graven images, which is wot de Cathlics worhsip. Dis have been a probblem for us many times. I will post some exampples later.
Still, Bosco he was feelin dat he needed to explor new direxions in thoelogy, so we is attendin Cathlic instruxion coarses. At de momment we is explorin de Bibble, and de life of Jessus. Did you know dat he was borne in a stabble? We can beet that, as Bosco he was found in a dutsbin. Mom put him dere for safety, just before de grabbage truck came round.
In our last lesson, Bosco got very cross wiv de Cathlic preist, Fr Xalvador Pell de Mons, cos in his room he had a children's book wiv a pitcher of a pengiun on de cover. Bosco fought it was a nunn and went bersek. Here is Polly de Nunn, she aint so dangrous, is she?

Brother Eccles, let me be the first to congratulate you on your excellent literary venture, and may this blog be an inspiration to all who wish to inflict their dyslexia on a large audience.
Bosco is not savd only i is savd
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ReplyDeleteNope, I aint Hilda, I is your little bruvver Eccles my darlin Bosco. Mom says you is makin fun of me and dat aint fair.