De ideal pressent for de little kid what wants to be saved.

Dis little fellow is an electronnic marvel dat can speak a lot of usefull phrases, such as:
* Kiss me, I'm an iDoll.
* Granny aint saved, tee hee hee.
* Bosco done a poo on de blogg, Mummy.
* Mummy, can I throw stones at de cosstume holly man?
* Give us de gin.***
*** Dis phrase was sugested by my Anti Moly, who said it was one of her favorite phrases when she was a little gril.
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Dis dove is reely a pussonal organizer and aid to Salivation.
It has a built-in recording devvice, so dat preists in good stand-in like Farver Arfur can record confessoins to make sure dey dont miss anyfink, and den play dem back at parties.
It has a built-in alarm functoin, so dat it can wake you up in de mornin wiv your chioce from some jolly phrasses, such as:
* Wake up, lazzy bons. You aint gonna be saved.
* Ullo, I fink Jessus is standin at de door knockin.
* Annuver day dawns, and dere is more poeple waitin to be insullted.
* Only woeful, traddy, fanattical Cathlic sockpoppets stay in bed late.
* Ullo, dis is Sister Whippie here, wuold you like one of my luvvly pennance puddings?
* At 4 a.m. dis mornin you said "Zzzz..." Accordin to de Catacoms of de Churhc dat is a sin, cos you is a foolish verger what went to sleep.
* Its 5 a.m. Anti, time to put de computter away and go to bed.
As you can see we has been recievin suggestoins from a varietty of suorces.

At Chritsmas we plays de Calumny Chappel versoin of snakes and ladders, where you has to try and stay on de angles, and not go on de demmons.

Bosco aint very good at dis, and he allways ends up in Hell.
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